Scouring Pads

$0.71PCS $34.08CA

GREEN SCOURING PADS – CLEAN LIKE NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN. – Are you looking for a quick and easy way to remove stubborn residue from dishes, pans, and grills which usually take hours to clean? – Or sick and tired of smelly sponges and rusty stainless steel scouring pads that fall apart, unravel, and tear off in several weeks of use? Not anymore! Meet green Scouring Pads! Your new best friend is in the kitchen! Scrub it Scrub Sponge saves your time and energy by removing the toughest burns on food, grease, oil, fat, and chemicals without any scratches. Works great with cast iron pots, store burners, dishes, pans, grills, and many more. Simply, Scrub it accepts all the serious indoor and outdoor scouring jobs like a pro!

48 in stock

Item ID: CH26622
UPC: 676979266220
Case Pack: 48


GREEN SCOURING PADS – CLEAN LIKE NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN. – Are you looking for a quick and easy way to remove stubborn residue from dishes, pans, and grills which usually take hours to clean? – Or sick and tired of smelly sponges and rusty stainless steel scouring pads that fall apart, unravel, and tear off in several weeks of use? Not anymore! Meet green Scouring Pads! Your new best friend is in the kitchen! Scrub it Scrub Sponge saves your time and energy by removing the toughest burns on food, grease, oil, fat, and chemicals without any scratches. Works great with cast iron pots, store burners, dishes, pans, grills, and many more. Simply, Scrub it accepts all the serious indoor and outdoor scouring jobs like a pro!


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